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Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Hangman's Curse by Frank Peretti

The Veritas Project was designed to discover truth in situations where traditional law enforcement and investigating methods were not or had not been effective. In a school in Washington State, several students were having symptoms of paranoia, babbling, loss of reason, and trouble controlling their muscles. The Veritas Project group arrived to assess the situation and started working undercover: the teens (Elijah and Elisha) as students, the mom (Sarah) as a researcher, and the dad (Nate) as a janitor. They found the students made a connection with a legend about the school with the students that were ill. While the rumors and “seen” evidence pointed to witchcraft, the family was not going to assume that’s the solution until they had all the facts. But time was running out when the next two victims’ illness progressed so quickly that they died before they were found.

This book is another call of attention to the necessity to treat one’s peers and surrounding people with respect. While bullying has always been a problem of mankind, the reactions of those hazed has been growing with alarming intensity. The author reminds us of how one can prevent bullying in schools and other areas without going to a lot of trouble. I would recommend this book. It does have some suspenseful parts and the cause of the illness my play on the fears of some people. Easy to read and understand, this book could be read by middle school students.

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