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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Far and Beyon' by Unity Dow

In Botswana, traditional customs of ancestors and educated, scientific ideas are in constant contradiction. While education means a better life for their children, parents are fearful of what the new ideas will do to their culture and impact their families in the long run. With AIDs spreading quickly, the new science provides ways to protect against infection but many of these ways are conflicting or questioned by tradition. The schools are overrun with rape and sexual harassment but tradition prevents speaking about or taking action against the assailants. To adequately paint a full picture of this struggling culture, Dow writes of Mara and her family; a family who all of these problems have become daily life. Through the strength they share with each other, they find their way in their changing world.

I enjoyed this book. Many different issues addressed in the book are present in our society but they are not legal and are to be reported. This view of the world different than my own is good to look at so that I can put my own life in perspective. This book would be appropriate for those in high school to read.

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