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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marcheta

Living in Australia as the descendant of Italian immigrants, Josie is trying to find where she belongs. She doesn’t seem to fit very well at school and, at times, with her family. Her mother is a single parent and after school Josie must stay with her Nonna who constantly criticizes her. Once Josie starts to mature and see that her Nonna is a person who was young and in love at one time, their relationship begins to change. Josie begins to see her family, schoolmates, and close friends differently. Her last year of school brings about the culmination of her growth.

I enjoyed this book. Marcheta brings to light many different topics and situations that I have never experienced and reading this book has helped me to see a different point of view. It is difficult not to fall in love with the main character, Josie. It is easy to see parts of oneself in her as her spirit and search for belonging take place. With some of the topics (suicide, sex), I think that high schoolers could read this book but it might not be healthy for students younger to read it.

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