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Monday, October 4, 2010

Child of the Silent Night-Edith Fisher Hunter

Laura Bridgman was only about two when she came down with scarlet fever. Even though she survived, she was left blind, deaf, and mute, with much of her smell and taste abilities gone. Her parents recognized her intelligence and eagerness to learn as she grew. She often went on walks with her friend Asa Tenney who introduced her to nature and taught her how to be gentle with live animals. Through his walks, she stayed interested in learning and paved the way for her to be one of the first deaf/blind/mute people to learn to communicate with other people. She was taken to a school and was taught to feel the alphabet’s raised letters, to write, and signing the alphabet into someone’s hand and understanding them signing in her hand.

Being at a lower reading level, this book is great for kids to start learning about people that are different from them. Since it takes place over 100 years ago, it would be helpful for parents to read the book with the child in order to explain some topics.

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