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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thriving, Not Just Surviving by Officers' Christian Fellowship

Deployments have become one of the phases of military life. The anticipation of a coming deployment, the good-bye, the absence, and re-integration are times where it is difficult to do much more than see it through. But many people have asked, “Isn’t there a better way?” And there is: when soldier, spouse, and family trust in God to take care of each other, there can be “peace” in the midst of war.

While my husband is not currently deployed and I borrowed this book from a friend, I have been able to relate to the emotions, fears, and longings that were expressed by those telling their stories. I plan to get my own copy and keep it on hand for the next time my husband is called to war. It is ideal for spouses that have been through several deployments and those who are on their first one. It also might be good for soldiers to read to see what their spouses may be feeling or thinking and having a difficult time expressing.

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