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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Night Cry by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

The last few years of Ellen’s life has brought many changes. Her mother dies suddenly of spinal meningitis. Not too long after, her brother, Billy, is thrown from his horse and dies. Ellen is left with her dad and his eccentric and not often well-paying endeavors. As Ellen takes over responsibilities, she regularly visits Granny Bo, their elderly neighbor. Granny Bo is very superstitious and Ellen begins to wonder if there may be some truth in them. When a former resident who has made it big in the city returns, his son is kidnapped and the townspeople blame Granny Bo. Ellen wonders if Granny Bo might have something to do with it until she hears a cry in the night that is in a different direction.

This book is very interesting and is a good example of how superstitious ideas can be harmful and cause problems. The author relates a young girl’s thought process as she works through ideas of superstition. With the subject matter, it would be a good book for someone in third or fourth grade to read with their parents. It would not be a bad thing (depending on the child) for parents to read it to a slightly younger child and discuss the topic.

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