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Thursday, July 1, 2010

90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper

After being declared for dead, Don Piper was left in his car until they were able to cut him out. A pastor passing by felt God prodding him to pray for the man trapped in the car. Climbing in the backseat, he was barely able to reach him, he prayed for the man in search of God’s will in the situation…and the man began to sing. He was taken to the hospital and underwent extensive surgery and had a long recovery. He suffered emotionally and spiritually, too. He recounts what he saw during that 90 minutes where he was dead and believes he had a glimpse of heaven. His biggest question was why God had let him see heaven and then bring him back to a life where he was suffering.

No matter if you believe that he died, went to heaven, and came back or not, this book is interesting to read and see how God worked in his life after the accident. There are a lot of different websites approving and unapproving of this book. I think a strong believer could read it as long as they realize it is not as if reading the Bible for truth. While Piper does believe that he saw heaven and God wants him to share his experience, there is a certain amount of reservation to keep in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Don spoke at my church a couple of weeks ago. Even if you don't believe that Don went to Heaven during that 90 minutes, his message centered around using your hardships and situations to help others make it through similar situations. And he wasn't perfect - he wallowed in his situation for a long time like many of us would in such a terrible accident, but he made it through and is helping others make it through their hardships.
