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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

A theologian in Germany before and during Hiter’s rise to power, Bonhoeffer taught and wrote about the way that the Christian community should function. Though he focuses on five different areas of Christian life, he reminds us that Christ is what ties us together and enables our lives together to grow us. He teaches that one must focus on Christ and their walk with Christ to resolve discord in life. Once unity in Christ has been reached in one’s own life and with those around, one must look to those who do not know Christ.

Translated from German, this book is often hard to read because of punctuation placement and paragraph changes. But, the words are full of meaning and instruction. The concepts are somewhat abstract. Someone in later high school and in college would enjoy this book. It may be best to read a little everyday in order to think on the truths Bonhoeffer relates.

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