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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Loving Homosexuals as Jesus Would by Chad Thompson

Homosexuality has been a long-running hot topic in the church. Most of the questions and concerns from people who mean well boil down to, “How do we reach people we don’t understand?” Thompson offers suggestions and ways to reach out to people that fit into this group. He hopes that this book will promote reaching out to those who need love and Christ. Thompson encourages Christians to be an example of love and for homosexuals to consider the love that Christ has for them. If Christians can show that their love is given with sacrifice, there will be more people who are willing to receive it. Thompson quotes John 15:13, “Greater love has no one but this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” At the same time, he does not encourage Christians to change their views on marriage or the lifestyle. He assures that once anyone sees that they are loved unconditionally, the views of the person loving them will not be so harsh because they have known Christ’s love.

This book does not promote homosexuality but love-Christ’s love. We all have sin in our lives and we would not want our community, our world, to push aside because of it. While not condoning the lifestyle, the church needs to find a way to reach out to people who are hurting-and this is one main people group. Everyone needs a safe place-why not a group of believers? I have read this book twice and have learned a lot each time and found it beneficial in not only my worldview but also in how I interact with people on a daily basis. It is pretty easy to read and I think that anyone in eighth grade would be able to read it, if they are ready for the topic maturity-wise.

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