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Friday, July 16, 2010

The Game On! Diet by Krista Vernoff and Az Ferguson

Need some extra motivation to kick-start or re-motivate you on your diet? This book gives guidelines of how to start a game with teams, with individuals, or on your own. Competing with daily scores and weekly weigh-ins, the game is won by points, not by weight lost. While there are bonus points for losing the weekly goal weight, the goal of the game is to establish healthy life habits such as drinking plenty of water, eating the right foods, and exercising regularly. By rewarding the daily tasks that are necessary to lose weight and establish a healthy lifestyle, it is much easier to keep the focus on being healthy and not just losing weight.

I like to see immediate results when I diet and exercise but often immediate results are not always what is healthy for my body. With this plan, I have 100 points to earn a day and that I can see when I add up my points throughout the day. I see results at the end of each day when I tally and report my total. Each day seems easier to follow the steps and guidelines. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking to establish healthy life habits, not just interested in losing weight. The book does have some language and some non-Christian thoughts but is overall good and gives knowledgeable advice on healthy living.

1 comment:

  1. Having a group of women cheering you on/competing against you really helps.
