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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

This book is complied from radio talks C.S. Lewis did. Through these talks, he identified man’s need for a being bigger than themselves. Not only was this being needed in creation but now the being wants to build a relationship with each person created. The book moves through the process that C.S. Lewis took intellectually to find God. Once an atheist, his reasoning and other factors along his search, he was able to find faith in God.

There is information packed into every sentence and takes a while to digest. This book is great for believers and non-believers alike. While the information is not bad for children to be exposed to, there is quite a bit of abstract thinking required to follow the book. Someone who has not reached that point will find it difficult to keep reading. The ability to think abstractly in this way usually develops later high school and through college. Although, someone younger could possibly attempt if they had someone older to read along with them.

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