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Friday, June 18, 2010

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

Toad is well known for his flamboyant lifestyle and conceited attitude. He moves from one past time to another, ranging from riding horses to driving motor-cars. His reckless behavior often leads to loss and injury to others; sometimes injury for himself. Once he discards a hobby, the remains of it are merely stashed upon the land left to him by his father. Mole, Water Rat, and Badger do their very best to help Toad see his destructive ways but merely appeases them for the time. After being increasingly conceited, a decision not well thought out leads him to his lowest point. Once again, his friends are there to help him dig his way back out.

This book is easy to read and the story moves quickly. Kids in elementary school would enjoy this and it might be a good first “no picture” book. There are some more difficult words but it would merely help them increase their vocabulary.

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