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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Goal

This idea of mine started as a "daydream" two years ago. I was working with middle school and high school military youth and realized that many of them truly enjoyed reading but they didn't always know where to turn for the next book. My idea grew further when parents began to ask if I knew the books that their kids were reading and what the books were like. I realized that there was a need for book reviews to be accessible to parents and students alike on all kinds of books. The catch is that there are reviews out there but not the type of reviews that they are looking for. My goal in this blog to make positive and negative recommendations on books based on a few points: overall morality, ideas communicated about family and self, and whether this book promotes positive or negative overtone. I am a Christian and will see the books through this filter but I am not here to promote purely Christian books. I will try to evaluate these books as honestly and fairly as possible. I do not have an English or literature degree. I have hope that books can provide teens and parents another interest to have in common, or find one for the first time.

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