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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer

Bella moved to rainy Forks, Washington, to live with her father to give her mother and new step-father the chance to travel for his career. She is a loner by nature but eventually makes friends. She is attracted to the Cullen family, especially Edward, but he seems to avoid being near her. She soon learns his secret and he allows her to be close. The rest of the series is about the world that is not human and the troubles they have in being together.

While this series is easy to get wrapped up in, it is clear that Bella fosters an unhealthy attachment to Edward. She pulls dangerous stunts, many of which are not logical even by romantic or self-sacrificing standards. Not only does she cling to Edward but she often leads Jacob to believe that he may have a chance with her. She is cruel to both of these guys when she is forced to decide between them. Also, vampires sparkle in the Twilight series; this is the only place in literature that they do this. With all of this combined, even with them books being easy to read, I would not recommend middle schoolers or younger reading this without an adult to discuss the topics.

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