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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Confessions of a Good Christian Girl by Christina Maltby

Even after being saved by the blood of Christ, we are all human and still have problems and sin in our lives. Maltby brings to life many of the issues women struggle with in the area of sin or as a result of previous (or continuing) sin. She also brings to light the fact that no area of life is untouched when sin is present in one’s life. While her approach is almost “too honest,” it helps to bring the message home.

This book is good and has a lot of strong messages that should be heard. I liked many parts of this book and it could even be used to help a friend through a tough time. Some parts are hard to read when thinking of other peoples’ pain. Overall, this is a good book and I think that it might be good for girls in high school (or even middle school possibly) to read it and see how their lives could change in the matter of a moment.

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