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Sunday, August 15, 2010

No More Lone Rangers by David Chow

Youth ministers often find themselves fighting a losing battle, and fighting that battle on their own. Besides youth meetings and the planning that goes with it, there are many demands that the parents and church expect the youth minister to fulfill. Chow’s solution is to find others to work alongside the youth minister. If the youth minister can organize and lead a group of volunteers to aid in building relationships with teens, running errands, preparing for lessons, and cleaning up then the youth minister will have more time to seek God and lead the teens in a discipling manner.

As a former youth minister, I can see how Chow’s ideas can be very practical and influential in the entire ministry. The more people there are working together on the same goal with the same way to get there, the more likely that goal will be achieved. This book is easy to read and could be applied to many different areas of ministry and organizations. It is also very easy to read and understand.

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