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Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Kissed Dating Good-Bye by Joshua Harris

Broken hearts, sleepless nights, and unforeseen endings are just a few reasons that people often wonder if dating is really such a good idea. Joshua Harris takes on this topic with a new point of view. He suggests that having parents involved, starting out as friends, and not making premature promises can possibly be the change that is needed. These ideas, and others, can help the couple to not create emotional baggage that often remains from other styles of dating. Focusing on the important parts of the relationship before becoming emotionally and physically involved can help prevent problems later, even marriage takes place.

I agree with Harris that there are a lot of problems in how many people look at dating. At the same time, each person needs to figure out what works for themselves. This book would be a good read to look for suggestions and ideas. Since it is easy to read, anyone in middle school could understand this book.

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